Dr. Rita K. McCracken, MD, PhD

Family Physician and Primary Care Researcher


Feel free to download these items and use them in your clinical practice. These notes are intended for use by healthcare practitioners. If you decide to use this material, you are reminded to use caution and adapt the material to be most appropriate to your practice scenario, the patient in front of you, and any licensing requirements you are subject to.  Check the dates on the materials, and make sure that they are still relevant. I assume no responsibility for use of these materials, and share them here in the spirit of collaboration and increasing open access to primary care learning and practice tools.
Template Text for EMR SOAP notes
Opioid Rx -  Documenting your considerations and plan for Opioid Rx for Acute, non-cancer pain 
Polypharmacy/Deprescribing - documenting an initial discussion about deprescribing 
Acute non-specific low back pain - documenting your history, physical exam, and evidence-based shared decision-making treatment plan
Acute Insomnia in Adults - documenting your history and evidence-based shared decision making

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